Take safety precautions before a summer road trip

June 24, 2013 12:00 AM

Now that summer has officially arrived, many drivers are probably in the midst of planning their upcoming road trips. While most of the attention will likely be focused on things like mapping out the driving routes or packing your bags, travelers should spend some time thinking about what they're going to do if a car breaks down en route to a destination. 

You should always keep important auto information on hand, but it becomes especially important if you are road tripping to an unfamiliar place. AAA recommends drivers keep information on their insurance and roadside assistance handy, as well as the vehicle's owner's manual. Other accessories you should invest in include a cellphone charger, which can ensure you can call different services for help if you get caught in a tough situation. 

Another easy way to avoid trouble is get a cover for a storage area, blocking any valuables from view and decreasing the chance you'll be the target of theft when the car is parked without supervision. 

Of course, one of the easiest ways to avoid these problematic situations is by getting a car tune up before you go. While this may not guarantee an easy journey, it can significantly decrease the odds something bad happening to the vehicle. 

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