Wheel Alignment Specials in Lakewood, WA
Includes comprehensive front-end inspection, necessary adjustments and inflate tires to proper pressure.
7701 Steilacoom Blvd. SW Ste 6, Lakewood, WA 98498
Tel: (253) 581-2443
Most vehicles. Not valid with other offers. Other restrictions may apply. Some adjustments may require extra charge. Expires on Jun 30, 2025.
The Lakewood, WA Precision Tune Auto Care Has Discounted Wheel Alignment Services
Present this coupon in our Lakewood location and save on your wheel alignment
Now is a great time to schedule a wheel alignment and save on our already low prices. Our ASE certified technicians are experts on vehicles of all makes and models, foreign and domestic. When your car’s suspension is out of alignment, your tires will wear prematurely and steering will be inconsistent. This vital service is necessary once a year or every 12,000 miles. Schedule an appointment today so you can drive safely and reliably.